We do this through our own individual decisions as an agency, as well as collectively providing support and resources for young people and emerging artists of all ages who belong to typically underrepresented groups.
It’s clear there is a lot to be done in creative fields to better represent our society and achieve an accessible and diverse industry. We want much greater numbers of currently underrepresented people of all ages to thrive within the industry, which includes:
• People of colour (Black, Asian or from a Minority Ethnic community)
• Those identifying as LGBTQ+
• People living with a learning disability
• People living with a disability
• Refugees or asylum seekers
• Those from lower socio-economic backgrounds
• Young parents or carers
• People without a university education
Our collective mission is to increase diversity within the creative industry in every way we can, and hold each other accountable in doing so.
Using our position as agents, we promise to:
• Make diversity a priority within our rosters of artists and our team.
• Conduct and publish a yearly diversity survey looking at our combined rosters of artists.
• Improve pathways for those making their way into the industry by providing mentoring and guidance, with special care to be mindful of barriers, whether that’s financial, geographical, cultural or access to information.
• Demystify the creative industry through talks, events and educational resources, and highlight the breadth of roles and opportunities in the industry.
• Question culturally inappropriate briefs or approaches from clients.
• Encourage the creation of visual work that shows a diverse range of people.
• Ensure artists are paid fairly for their work no matter their gender, identity, cultural or ethnic background, socio-economic background.
• Educate ourselves, stay curious, and keep an open mind to different artistic approaches and styles.

For more information go to www.diversifyingillustration.com.